Small & Medium stroke length linear motion displacement sensors are widely used in different industries. Depending on the application they function as real sensors or indicators. The difference between sensors and indicators is only that an indicator does not have the same close tolerances as the sensor but is extremely low cost.
In sensors & indicators there is a difference in the linearity tolerance and the repeatability. But in any case the indicator indicates a position whereas a sensor measures the position. The widest range up to a stroke length of 450 mm is available in conductive plastic as a resistance element . In spite of low cost, a reproducibility and a resolution is possible at the sensor of 50 µm. Nobody can expect from these low cost items a mechanical life of more than 20 million strokes. The more expensive types such as the MTC13 types even go up to 25 million shaft movement. Some of them are equipped with internal or external springs to assure a proper spring return of the shaft. They are available in square and round housings.
LinoSense ® Small & Medium Stroke Linear Displacement Sensors Features :