SENT Output Rotary Sensors

All timing values in a SENT ( Single Edge Nibble Transmission ) protocol are referenced to the clock tick time (tick). After reset the output is recessive high. The transmission starts with a low pulse of the synchronization phase. A synchronization/calibration pulse always starts a message frame and provides a method for measuring the tick time of the SENT output.

The message frame usually ends with a CRC/checksum nibble and optional pause pulse. Data is transmitted in units of 4 bits (1 nibble) for which the interval between two falling edges (single edge) of the modulated signal with a constant amplitude voltage is evaluated. In order to synchronize the SENT messages to the measurement sampling rate an additional pause period is added, which is transmitted after the checksum nibble. With supply voltages of 5V±10% SENT output signal can be provided. Besides this a large variety of electrical options such as Output signal level programming, zero-point, Centre point programming are provided.  

SENT Output is available in the following Mechanical features: